An accident is unpredictable, it occurs anywhere, anytime, let it be at home, at work, on the road and else where. At home, the kitchen is the most important place ever, its a place where food is prepared, just imagine life without food . . . . . . . obvious there is no life without food. Accident can occur in the kitchen too apart from it being the place for food preparation. Therefore the kitchen should be handled with much care, but surprising enough in most of the families especially African families, the kitchen is under the house girls who have very little knowledge on how to handle some of the stuffs, especially an accident of fire outbreak.
Here is the video showing the easiest ways one can use to stop an outbreak of fire in the kitchen.
By; Richard Sheim
(+255653109706 or +255689699212)
asiliasilia . . . "Be Proud Of Yourself "
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Chapisha Maoni