Jumamosi, 12 Julai 2014


Laughter laughter ha ha ha ha ha to some people the teh teh teh but everyone has a way of laughing. What is a secret behind your laughter?  It is natural seeing people laughing ...!! People say they laugh because they have heard something fun  that's why they laugh but in real sense not everything that people say there are fun, there  are funny  to some people and not funny to other people, so what is the cause of people to laugh!!....
people laugh because of the relationship they have with people around them. Haven't you ever heard that someone is boring because of there jokes they make to some people but there funny but to some and some find the guy is annoying.  It is the manner of tuning your mind with the people your socialising at that time....Get more about this knowledge by subscribing us..(.To be continued).

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni